Revised Edition Now Available!

Revised Edition Now Available!

588 874 Cynthia A. Sandor
Discovered four months before her passing, Gertrude Kerschner’s remarkable journal is fast becoming recognized by historians and museum curators alike. “Through Innocent Eyes” is a powerful reminder that there are two sides to history, which in the wake of the horrors of war there is a humane side to building one’s personal character. In 1938, ten-year-old Austrian born Gertrude begins her indoctrination into the League of German Girls. By the time she is thirteen, Gertrude, along with her comrades, are specifically chosen by the Reich’s Ministry of Science, Education, and Culture to participate in the elite rural educational program entitled Landjahr Lager (Country Service Year Camp). For eight months, the educational curriculum focuses on building the girls’ full individual potential to becoming productive members of society. In her journal, Gertrude Kerschner records her vivid memories of her experiences during Country Service Year Camp in Seidorf, Niederschlesien. Thoughtful, moving, and entertaining, Gertrude’s personal accounts will dispel many misconceptions and skewed perspectives of the League of German Girls.
This edition is now available in the United States and Europe.

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