Downloadable Materials


Whenever we, as re-enactors, are attending living history events that are open to the general public, we don’t just attend as re-enactors, but also as educators. It’s therefore important that we are knowledgeable about our impressions and speak well in public. Sometimes it’s also helpful to have visual materials on hand, such as fliers or presentation boards, to further educate the public.

This section will have such materials for download, and I will add more as I can think of more things to include. If anyone has suggestions for further materials, or you’d like to contribute your own materials, please email them to the webmaster.

All files require Acrobat Reader to view them. Click here to download this program.

Downloadable Materials

Brief introductory pamphlet about the League of German Girls, its history, uniforms, and work. This is a great pamphlet to hand out to the public and re-enactors who may be interested in doing the impression.

Print on 8.5×11″ standard size paper. Page 1 (on the left) is the outer page, page 2 (on the right) the reverse side. Fold twice to create a fold-open pamphlet.

This pamphlet is copyrighted to Chris Crawford, and may not be altered!