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Cynthia A. Sandor

150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
Reviews on “Through Innocent Eyes – The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth”

D.M. – From Ohio said:  ” Love your book and wish more stories from the German side of the war were written.”RSJR – From New York wrote to me and said:  “It is unconditionally understood that this book “THROUGH INNOCENT EYES: The Chosen girls of The Hitler Youth” will be the foundation of countless WWII…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
Table of Contents

TABLE of  CONTENTS Glossary and Abbreviations of Terms . . . . . . . . . xiiiPreface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiIntroduction . . . . .…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
Autograph Copies of Through Innocent Eyes

Happy New Year to everyone and I want to thank you so much for your interest in Gertrude Kerschner, and “Through Innocent Eyes – The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth! This year is getting off to a fantastic start.  As a new author, the response to “Through Innocent Eyes – The Chosen Girls of…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
Through Innocent Eyes – Cynthia A. Sandor : Balboa Press Bookstore | Online Shopping for eBooks, Hardcover Books, Paperback Books

Through Innocent Eyes – Cynthia A. Sandor : Balboa Press Bookstore | Online Shopping for eBooks, Hardcover Books, Paperback Books

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
Live Your Life to the Fullest

Live your life to the fullest!Think outside of the box! Feel the fear and move outside your comfort zone!Take as many risks as possible!Move ~ take action today, because Right now is the oldest you will ever be and the youngest you’ll ever be again!Don’t wait until tomorrow to do the things you can do today!Do what…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor

“Through Innocent Eyes – The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth” will be available in December, 2012, with  I want to thank you for visiting my blogsite and if you would like to become friends, please visit my Facebook pages:  Cynthia A. Sandor or Landjahr Lager, both in English and in German or any…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
Finalist for 2012 Balboa Press Non-Fiction Writer’s Contest

For Immediate Release                                                 “Through Innocent Eyes – The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth” By Cynthia A. Sandor “Through Innocent Eyes – The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth,” written by former Greenwich resident Cynthia A. Sandor has been selected as a finalist in the 2012-Balboa Press Writer’s Contest.   Hay House Visions, the new…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
SOON TO BE RELEASED – Hard and Soft Cover books

“Through Innocent Eyes – The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth” will be available for sale through! “Through Innocent Eyes,” reveals the personal life of Gertrude Kerschner, and her journey through self-actualization while serving in the Hitler Youth. Based upon Gertrude’s personal journal, her story includes ceremonies, ancient neo-pagan rituals, traditions, and folklore. Pre-orders…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor

The National Socialistic upbringing of the German youths trains these Landjahr girls to build their integral moral character with a foundation based on honor, loyalty, obedience, and discipline.  Coupled with ancient neo-pagan rituals, traditions, folklore, and the Totalitarian regime of this period, “Through Innocent Eyes” captures the psychology of an Austrian girl named Trudel, and…

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150 150 Cynthia A. Sandor
Manuscript is Finished!

It has taken me fourteen months to write, edit and format the complete manuscript.  Finally, 367 pages, 144,000 words. Currently researching how book publishing industry works.  One word of advice:  Do not sign any contract with a publisher without investing the money to hire an attorney to review it before you sign it!  This small investment will save you thousands…

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